Saint-Gobain has inaugurated its new blowing glass wool production line at its Isover plant in Chemillé, near Angers, France.
This line has an annual production capacity of 30,000 metric tonnes of blowing glass wool following an investment of €35 million.
The new building is almost 4,500m2, with the production line 220m long and includes an electric furnace that uses more than 40% recycled glass to produce the blowing glass wool.
The new facilities will meet the French market's growing demand for thermal insulation solutions for roof cavities.
Pierre-André de Chalendar, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Saint-Gobain said: "We are proud of the extension of this site renowned for its exemplary environmental approach which illustrates our commitment to sustainable development.
“The installation of these 30,000 metric tonnes of blowing glass wool produced enables 12.5 million metric tons of CO2 emissions to be avoided over the product life span.
10.12.2019, Saint-Gobain
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