Sisecam inaugurates second flat glass facility in Italy

Sişecam Group has inaugurated its second flat glass investment facility in Sant'Angelo in Puglia, Italy with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in attendance.

The opening ceremony of the Manfredonia facilities took place two months earlier than planned on 30th November and was hosted by Şişecam Group Vice Chairman and General Manager Ahmet Kırman.

Along with Mr Conte, Turkey’s Ambassador to Rome Murat Salim Esenli, Puglia Regional President Michele Emiliano and Monte Sant’Angelo Mayor Pierpaolo D’Arienzo also attended the ceremony.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the facility, Mr Conte said that he attended the ceremony to show the special importance his government considers the development in the southern part of the country.

Extending thanks to Mr Kırman for the investment, Conte stated: "Şişecam has come with a sustainable project both economically and environmentally and taken an important step by putting this facility into operation."

Mr Esenli emphasised that the presence of Turkish company Şişecam in Italy is an indication of the economic power and the visionary perspective of Turkey.

He added: “I would like to consider the attendance by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in such an important opening as an indication of the importance he and the government he represents to relations and cooperation with Turkey."

He underlined that Şişecam continues to grow in line with its performance-based investment policy with a view to becoming one of the world's largest three producers in the main areas of activity.

He said: "Including our recent soda investment in the U.S., we are operating in 14 countries on four continents, bringing our innovative products to our customers in more than 150 countries and providing jobs to 22,000 people.

Mr Kırman added: "Along with additional investments, we have invested more than 55 million euros in the facility, including purchase price and business capital."

09.12.2019, Sişecam Group

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