Firefighters from the Emergency Service of the Principality of Asturias (SEPA) with the collaboration of firefighters from ArcelorMittal have extinguished a fire reported at the facilities of a glassware company located in Avilés.
The fire affected an oven where it began to burn the glass casting at 1,500 degrees and pouring through a perforation. Firefighters with a large amount of water managed to solidify the material that was pouring and plug the rupture. The Emergency Coordination Center of 112 Asturias received the notice at 23.16 on Monday 25.November 2019. The call was made by the security guard of the company. It indicated that 1,500 degrees hot glass was spilling out of the furnace.
At 11:49 p.m the Zone Chief indicated that they would be cooling for a long time and that a lot of water was needed so that, in addition to the means further assistance was mobilized, He requested the collaboration of firefighters from Arcelor Mittal to attend the incident with their mobile firefighter squad.
Further reporting will follow
27.11.2019, Saint-Gobain Cristaleria, S.A
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