Hotwork International Asia-Pacific celebrated its 20th anniversary and inaugurated its warehouse in Cebu, Philippines.
The first-generation leadership of the Köster family founded the company in Cebu in the year 1999.
In less than 2 years after its transition to the second-generation leadership, the company acquired its own facility.
Now in its 5th year, the facility and resources in Cebu has tripled in size due to this and further expansions.
Hotwork International Asia-Pacific has invested a turnover of more than 1.5 million US dollars and plans to continue expanding.
It aims to cater to the growing demand of the market and to serve the clients’ needs.
The team is said to focus on quality service, research and development, and manpower training paired with the company’s five core values of teamwork, versatility, dependability, innovation, and trust.
The entire team is reportedly proud and honoured to have shared this milestone together with some of the people who made it possible and successful.
27.11.2019, Hotwork International
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