Şişecam Group, a global player in glass industry, will organize the first “Şişecam International Glass Conference” in Istanbul, Turkey on November 21-22, 2019. The conference combined with the 34th Şişecam Glass Symposium will have the main theme of “Glass in the Sustainable Future: Achieving What is Possible.” The international organization will also feature select sub-sessions and expert training offered by leading technology companies in the glass industry such as CelSian, Glass Service, Eurotherm, AMETEK Land, RHI-Magnesita and SEFPRO. The future of the glass industry and new technologies will be discussed at the Şişecam International Glass Conference that will attract researchers and industry professionals from all around the world, and raise the perception on the central role of glass on sustainable future.
Being the premier glass science and technology platform in Turkey, Şişecam Glass Symposiums have been growing steadily and strongly for the last 33 years and had the pleasure of hosting joint meetings with the International Commission on Glass (ICG), the most reputable not-for-profit Glass Society comprising 33 national organizations in glass science and technology, three times in the past. Şişecam Group organized its first symposium in 1985 simultaneously with the annual meeting of ICG in order to announce the 50th anniversary of the Group to the world based on the principle that “information grows when shared”. Following the 1985 and the 1996 ICG Annual Meetings, 2017 ICG Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the 32nd Şişecam Glass Symposium with 417 participants from 25 countries.
Joint meetings with ICG have empowered Şişecam Glass Symposiums to promote interaction, exchange and cooperation between members of international glass community and members of national academia, and to push forward the development of international glass science and technology. With the upcoming international glass conference, Şişecam now aims at transforming Şişecam Glass Symposium to a comprehensive International Glass congress. This ambitious goal is a result of Şişecam Group’s sense of responsibility of being the only global player active in all core areas - flat glass, glassware and glass packaging - of glass industry.
Detailed information about the Şişecam International Glass Conference is available at the conference web site: www.glassconference-sisecam.com
About Şişecam Group
One of the most established enterprises in Turkey, Şişecam Group is a global actor in business fields including all main areas of glass industry, i.e. flat glass, glassware, glass packaging and glass fiber, as well as soda and chromium chemicals. Today Şişecam, the world’s leading supplier of chromium compounds and the 7th largest synthetic soda ash producer in the world, is the 3rd largest glassware, the 5th largest glass packaging and flat glass manufacturer globally.
The Group, which has 43 production facilities in total, has manufacturing activities in Turkey, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Russian Federation, Georgia, Ukraine, Egypt and India. With its more than 80 years of experience, 22,000 employees, production in 13 countries, and sales in 150 countries, Şişecam is a group at international scale and continues on its journey to become one of top three global producers in its all-main business fields.
19.11.2019, Sisecam
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