China Glass 2020 will be held at Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) in April after a successful exhibition in Beijing in May 2019.
The show, held on 14th – 17th April 2020, is organised by the Chinese Ceramic Society, and is held alternatively in Beijing and Shanghai once a year.
It is the largest professional exhibition in the glass industry within the Asia-Pacific region.
It is said to be the most commercially valuable exhibition in China's glass industry, and a platform for technology exchange and business negotiations.
Various subjects will be displayed and allocated among the 10 exhibition halls including:
In the 2019 edition of the exhibition, 905 manufacturers from 28 countries and regions participated in this exhibition, including 665 domestic manufacturers and 240 foreign manufacturers.
It attracted 34,329 visitors from 66 countries during the four days event, including 30,279 domestic visitors and 4050 foreign visitors.
The total exhibition area for the 2020 show will exceed 90,000 square meters and is expected to attract more than 900 enterprises and more than 40,000 professional visitors in the glass industry.
12.11.2019, China Glass
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