Environmental chemist turned entrepreneur Walt Himelstein has created ShatterSafe, a reusable glass bottle coated in a plastic resin produced to combat the worldwide single use plastics problem.
The ShatterSafe glass bottle allows for consumption of hot or cold beverages on the go and is also dishwasher safe.
The bottle’s interior is pure glass and the exterior is coated with a safe, permanently adhered, impact-resistant plastic resin.
If the interior glass breaks, it can be recycled and the coating will vaporise in the glass recycling process.
Mr Himelstein has launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign in order to gather enough interested parties to come forward and back the campaign along with being the first to know when ShatterSafe is released.
Through the Kickstarter campaign, “backers” will receive a free reusable and biodegradable bamboo straw, and cleaning brush with any ShatterSafe Reusable Glass Bottle order.
Mr Himelstein said: “While glass is the healthiest alternative to plastic, metal and aluminium reusable drinking bottles, it's also the most breakable, creating the potential for dangerous situations.
"Our reusable glass bottles are the first on the market to not leave a dangerous mess if dropped.
“Glass allows consumers to drink without the taste of unwanted chemicals, metals or other unsafe alternatives."
Mr Himelstein hopes to start the KickStarters campaign early in the new year.
12.11.2019, ShatterSafe
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