The 80th Conference on Glass Problems (GPC), organised by the Glass Manufacturing Industry Council (GMIC) takes place on 28th -31st October in Columbus, Ohio, USA.
The GMIC is a trade association bridging all segments of glass manufacturing and Alfred University, the USA’s leading glass research institution.
The two-day programme is directed by an industry advisory board and is composed of invited papers and submitted abstracts, with the proceedings distributed to attendees and also published by John Wiley & Sons.
Speakers during the two-day programme include Vice-President of Global R&D at Owens-Illinois (O-I) Ludovic Valette, Erik Muijsenberg, Vice President, Glass Service and Paul Schreuders, Chief Executive Officer, XPAR Vision amongst many others.
The conference also provides technical education, with two technical short courses offered on, ‘Fundamentals of Batch and Furnace Operations’ taught by C. Philip Ross and ‘Refractories’ taught by Michel Gaubil, Director of Refractory Solutions Engineering, SEFPRO.
A full day symposium entitled ‘Sustainability in Glass Manufacturing' will take place on 31st October.
A full list of speakers can be found on the Glass Problems website.
08.11.2019, Conference on Glass Problems
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