Ritec International is very proud that it has been awarded accreditation from Safecontractor for its commitment to achieving excellence in Health & Safety for the seventh year running.
Safecontractor is a leading third party accreditation scheme that recognises very high standards in health and safety management among UK contractors. Under the Safecontractor scheme, businesses undergo a stringent audit process that examines health and safety procedures and their track record for safe practice. Companies that meet the high standard are included on a database which is only accessible online by registered users.
Ritec’s Production Manager and Health & Safety Officer Martin Burkett AIIRSM says: “Achieving Safecontractor accreditation for the seventh year clearly displays Ritec’s commitment to the health and safety not only for its employees, but its clients and the general public. As always, our staff demonstrate commitment to health & safety whether working on-site or within our production site. This accreditation validates that and was only achieved with the co-operation of the whole Ritec team. I am therefore pleased to say thank you to everyone involved.”
Ritec goes even further, comments Martin: “Where possible we will also pass on our knowledge to our network of subsidiaries, international partners and licensed applicators, helping them to produce suitable documentation, work in a safe manner and understand that their actions have wider implications.”
30.10.2019, Ritec International
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