AMETEK Land, the leading non-contact temperature measurement and combustion and emissions equipment specialist, will showcase its award-winning, real-time, in-furnace thermal imaging Near Infrared Borescope (NIR-B) which helps glass producers make significant improvements in the melt tank process, in both quality of output and reduction of costs.
The 80th Conference on Glass Problems (GPC) is the largest glass manufacturing conference in North America, attracting glass manufacturers and suppliers worldwide to exchange innovations and solutions.
NIR-B Glass is renowned for providing accurate profiling of glass furnaces and increasing capacity by optimising temperatures in glass melt tanks. It is an essential part of maintaining high-quality glass production and extending the campaign life of a furnace. Data from the NIR-B is used to improve response times, and then to identify and troubleshoot furnace operations to improve yield and to achieve higher pull and lower specific energy. For glass producers, this results in increased asset life and improved furnace optimisation.
We look forward to seeing you at 80th Conference on Glass Problems (GPC) on Stand 3.
25.10.2019, AMETEK LAND
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