Messe Düsseldorf was already engaged in Russia as the first foreign trade fair company back in 1963. Since 1979 it has been constantly represented with its own office in Moscow – also in politically and economically tough times. Russia is Messe Düsseldorf’s biggest market abroad today.
Messe Düsseldorf celebrates the 40th anniversary of its Moscow subsidiary. By opening the official representation on 15 October 1979 it laid the foundation for its success story on the Russian market. 2002 saw the subsidiary Messe Düsseldorf Moscow being established, which today employs 49 members of staff and organises 14 trade fairs and trade fair participations in Moscow, Novokuznetsk, Kazan, Ufa and Yekaterinburg.
This year Messe Düsseldorf Moscow already looked after 2,097 exhibitors (previous year: 1,894). They reached more than 190,000 visitors (previous year: 170,652) – this is evidence of the vibrancy and attractiveness of the Russian trade fair market. Generating revenue of EUR 31.2 million in 2018 and accounting for a 44% share in the sales made by Messe Düsseldorf Group abroad, Russia is the group’s largest foreign market.
Delighting at this development Werner M. Dornscheidt, President & CEO of Messe Düsseldorf, said: “We have a strong position on the Russian market today. This is our reward for being the first foreign trade fair company to go to Russia and for also staying loyal to this market in tough times. We stand for reliability and stability – standing by our customers and our Russian partners.”
25.10.2019, Messe Düsseldorf
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