Berliner Glas, an Employer with Top Career Opportunities

The Berlin based Company receives multiple awards. Berliner Glas offers its employees attractive healthcare management, subsidized sport programs, the best career opportunities, and is one of Germany’s most coveted employers – three studies have come to this conclusion. 

Focus Money and Deutschland Test examined the “top career opportunities for engineers” as well as the “top career opportunities for IT specialists” at companies and gave positive results to Berliner Glas in various categories. In addition, the “stern” conducted a study for the first time with a renowned personal marketing agency on the topic of the future viability of German companies, and Berliner Glas received four out of five possible stars.

Furthermore, a third study of “Germany’s most coveted employer” analyzed and evaluated Germany's largest companies from more than 150 sectors for the second time this year and named Berliner Glas one of Germany's most sought-after employers.

In all of these studies, Berliner Glas scored points in various categories such as development and further education opportunities as well as occupational healthcare provision or demography management. These awards confirmed once and for all the manifold chances and opportunities that the Berliner Glas Group offers its employees at every phase of their professional development. This includes individual employee promotion and development with specialist career programs, which creates a pleasant and attractive working environment with demanding and challenging duties. 

Berliner Glas has received additional seals of approval and awards in the past several months. Just recently, the Berlin based company was again confirmed to provide excellent training by the IHK Berlin. Moreover, Berliner Glas was honored last year as Entrepreneur of the Year, and, in May of this year, the newspaper Berliner Morgenpost listed the company as one of the top 200 companies in Berlin. “These awards are a great confirmation that we have created the right framework for making highly qualified applicants consider us and commit to Berliner Glas over the long run”, says Dr. Regina Draheim-Krieg, HR Manager at Berliner Glas, with satisfaction. “This is also reflected in the increasing number of employees. In the first months of this year, we have already welcomed many new colleagues here in Berlin, and we want to continue growing.” 

16.10.2019, Berliner Glas

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