The software products "WINSLT®" and "GLASGLOBAL®" of Sommer Informatik GmbH from Rosenheim have been extended by a database for tested superstructures and their sound reduction index
WINSLT® is the software solution for calculating light, solar and thermal characteristics of glazing in combination with solar shading.
GLASGLOBAL® is the software for the calculation of the static verification according to DIN 18008 and the load assumptions according to DIN EN 91-1. Both products have access to the stored sound database.
Currently there are more than 150 products in the sound database, which are all stored including the respective test certificate and can be used for calculations. Furthermore, you have the possibility to select the products already available in the software and to compare them with the superstructures available in the sound database via the automatic product search.
WINSLT® and GLASGLOBAL® give you a list of the products from the sound database that match your structure or have similarities. Due to the large participation of manufacturers of glazing and sun protection equipment, we provide you with the sound database, a constantly growing product database for your calculations.
Do you also want to store your own products in the database?
The corresponding test report can also be used to store specially generated products in the software and to compare them with existing products in the sound database.
Get a first insight into the sound database and request a non-binding offer and a demo version of the software:
12.10.2019, Sommer Informatik GmbH
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