Ritec International’s subsidiary in the Netherlands, Ritec Services, is the global specialist for the renovation, ‘non-stick’ easy-clean protection and maintenance of glass. Its specialist marine division, Ritec Marine Services, recently started work on the Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) Norwegian Encore cruise liner.
Whilst at the Meyerwerft shipyard in Papenburg, Germany, Ritec Marine Services will protect all glass on-site with award-winning ClearShield® ‘non-stick’, easy-clean surface treatment. ClearShield® is proven to resist harsh sea salt contamination as well as dirt so significantly help preserve beautiful views from passenger cabin windows. The additional benefit of ClearShield-protected glass is that maintaining it requires less time, effort and manpower.
For this particular project, Ritec Marine Services will treat the glass in a specific order depending on the supplier. The glass suppliers include Brombach + Gess GmbH & Co. KG of Germany, BOHAMET S.A. of Poland and Somec S.p.A. of Italy as well as orders directly from Norwegian Cruise Line. In total, 23,000m2 of glass will be protected with ClearShield® by Ritec Marine Services.
The Norwegian Encore has a gross tonnage of 169,145 gt. With 20 decks, this cruise liner has a 4,000-passenger capacity, and its maiden voyage is scheduled for next month.
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