The float glass manufacturer filed a WARN notice on Sept 25 2019 to the state of Ohio stating that it intends to close its Millbury fabrication plant on State Rt. 795 and will start eliminating the jobs of its 100 employees on or about November 20.
The move will result in job losses for 77 hourly and 23 salaried employees who work at the plant, located at 24145 W. Moline Martin Rd. near Woodville Road in Millbury.
In its filing with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Guardian Glass, based in Auburn Hills, Mich., gave no explanation for the closing but called it a business decision. The plant makes consolidated glass, mirrored glass, and vacuum insulated glass.
Guardian said it expects to begin eliminating jobs starting on November 20 and will continue to lay off workers in phases through the closure. Employees are not represented by a union. Toledo Blade also mentioned that : The company said it will work closely with affected employees to minimize the impact of its decision.
04.10.2019, Glass International
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