Glasstech Asia is Southeast Asia’s leading glass and materials show. Already in its 16th year, the exposition offers deep insights into the glass manufacturing, processing, products and materials sectors.
Glasstech Asia spotlights industry standards in sustainability, automation and energy-efficiency to satisfy the increasing global demands for windows, doors and facades. Every year, Glasstech Asia is presented at a new venue, and is hosted with Fenestration Asia.
Fenestration Asia is a leading window, doors, skylight curtain wall and façade technology exhibition that is held alongside Glasstech Asia. The three-day show focuses on key topics that revolve around the fenestration sector, including sustainability, automation, comfort and energy-efficiency, and offers visitors endless opportunities for networking.
Join Us At Our Next Location
Q: Which country would you like
Glasstech Asia to visit next?
A. Yangon, Myanmar
B. Bangkok, Thailand
C. Hanoi, Vietnam
D. Manila, Philippines
Send your responses to today!
07.10.2019, Glasstech Asia
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