South Korean container glassmaker Hite Jinro has chosen a Socabelec swabbing robot for its Jinju plant.
Hite Jinro is a beer and soju producer and is to rebuild its Junju plant in February 2020. The reconstruction of the furnace is also an opportunity to use the latest technology in the production of glass containers. Hite Jinro wanted to invest in automatic swabbing to guarantee the highest level of productivity.
After a long investigation process, including visits abroad to meet other users to get their feedback, it selected the Socabelec swabbing-robot.
It cited customer user satisfaction, reliability of the robot, on-the-fly swabbing without stopping production, without rejecting containers, as well as a high level of safety for operators working together with the robot, as the main criteria for the decision.
The robots will be installed on IS machines supplied by Bucher Emhart Glass.
19.09.2019, SOCABELEC S.A.
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