Apart from access to the necessary knowhow, glass container quality is only as good as the quality of equipment and materials employed.
When it comes to the design of moulds and plungers for new containers, Heye works together closely with its sister company UniMould, which has considerable long-term experience in the manufacture of NNPB/PB plungers, plugs and cooling tubes. Several years ago, UniMould developed a special and well-proven plunger coating.
Together with the high quality mould and plunger material, this coating optimizes the impact and internal pressure condition of the container. Damage to a container’s internal surface is avoided by this special plunger material and coating combination.
“This co-operation has resulted in a market leadership position with regard to the performance and stability of glass containers” says Knut Prasuhn, Head of the Service Department at Heye International. “Our customers benefit from this ‘one-stop’ service and co-operation, generating a wide diversity of valuable experience.”
Based at Obernkirchen, Germany, UniMould GmbH has over 60 years’ experience in the production of accessories for the glass packaging industry. The company delivers quality and service that exceed customer expectations, in a market where quality standards are constantly raised and surpassed. UniMould continually invests in the latest machine tool technology to deliver the highest quality components possible, on time and at a competitive price. Convince yourself of the good quality and short delivery times – put us to the test! We are looking forward!
16.09.2019, HEYE International
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