Stölzle Masnieres Parfumerie has hired the Polish company Forglass to supply a furnace for its northern France plant.
The Polish engineering group will supply its technology to design, construct and commission the new furnace to produce high quality, extra white flint glass (pictured). The company will supply all of the components of this technologically advanced furnace, including complete design and engineering, construction, heat-up and commissioning.
Forglass said Stölzle Masnieres Parfumerie will receive a larger furnace with better performance parameters. Forglass said its technology will guarantee unmatched quality of flint and forehearth coloured glass, which are important for Stölzle’s demanding clients from the perfumery and cosmetic market.
This level of trust doesn’t grow overnight. It is a result of gradually building over the course of the seven-year partnership between Stölzle and Forglass, which specializes in design and construction of furnaces for melting glass.
Stölzle also chose Forglass for its wide experience of working in France, which is a market with many unique challenges.
11.09.2019, Glass International/Stölzle Glass Group
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