Eco Glass Production called on industry experts, HHH Tempering Resources, during a recent facility expansion. The HHH Tempering technical experts helped Eco Glass optimize their production every step of the way, from glass tempering furnace selection and optimizing floor plans to post-installation technical service.
Since working with HHH Tempering Resources, Eco Glass has experienced an astounding 99% reduction in glass breakage, and improved overall glass quality. Watch the video to see how reliable glass fabrication equipment and leading technical service from HHH Tempering helped support Eco Glass Production’s continued growth.
Video Transcript:
Hi, I’m Sam Bravo, general manager of Eco Glass.
We have a 200 000 sq. ft. glass plant right now. We specialize in laminated glass, tempered glass, insulated glass, hurricane impact glass.
We have two HHH tempering ovens, we have one on the way. We have a 4-edge grinder, and two automated seamers. HHH walked us through the entire furnace selection process. They guided us through optimized floor plans, electrical, overall plant layout and post-installation technical service requirements.
The Hiseng double edging machine seems like it has helped us reduce the glass breakage by around 99%, I mean very little glass breaks. The quality of the glass has been much better with a North Glass than other furnaces we have. And the service and help we get from HHH has been great. Anytime we need any technical service, I just pick up the phone and they answer any questions and if I need to, they’ll be here within a day.
We’re mostly excited about expanding our product line up to Georgia and the Carolinas, and elsewhere.
Gear up for growth
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05.09.2019, HHH Tempering Resources
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