EnduroShield is setting the industry benchmark as a leading manufacturer of permanent easy-clean treatments and coating machinery, partnering with leading global glass fabricators and processors world-wide, and specified by leading construction companies and architects for international landmark buildings.
Ease of application, durability, and proven field performance enables EnduroShield to stand out from the competition. EnduroShield offers a complete coating solution for any size business, turning ordinary glass into easy-clean, non-stick surfaces.
Application is effortless with the X-Line Automatic Coating Machine, already in use at some of the largest glass companies around the world, X-Line is a high-speed machine which combines uncomplicated design and smart technology to deliver a user friendly, efficient, and economical coating device for easy implementation.
EnduroShield manufactures a range of products to suit partner requirements, such as volume, performance, and budgetary needs. This includes their industry leading EnduroShield Professional easy-clean range with demonstrably the longest lasting performance of all coatings in its class.
TÃœV Rheinland certification assures customer confidence.
You can view EnduroShield’s latest innovations and demonstrations at stand number 2548, from September 17 – 19 at GlassBuild, Atlanta, Georgia – the largest annual gathering for glass, window and door industries in North America.
05.09.2019, EnduroShield
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