New software for the calculation of thermal stresses "WinTHS".
SommerGlobal, the expert software for glass calculation, has now been extended with "WinTHS" to include an additional program for calculating the climate conditions acting on glass panes, taking geographical location and historical weather data into account.
Climatic conditions are changing dramatically worldwide. The effects not only affect nature, but are also finding their way into many areas of our daily lives - including building physics calculations. This is noticeable, for example, in the worldwide significant increase in damage to glazing due to increased thermal stress. This inevitably poses new challenges for static calculations of glass surfaces:
With "WinTHS", exact calculations can be carried out in advance on the basis of existing historical climate data or freely selectable data, which ensure a significant minimisation of thermally justified damage cases. The calculation is based on the French standard "NF DTU 39 P3". In addition, a European standard is currently being planned, which will be incorporated into the software solution once it has been adopted.
The results of the complex calculation methods are displayed clearly and expressively in the form of graphs. In addition, all relevant calculation results are displayed to the user in a detailed report, including a summary of whether the respective glass structure satisfies the locally prevailing temperature fluctuations and to what extent the thermal loads approach the absolute limit value.
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04.09.2019, Sommer Informatik
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