AGC Cover Glass for Car-mounted Displays to be Used in New Lexus RX Series

AGC (Headquarters: Tokyo; President: Takuya Shimamura) has announced that its cover glass for car-mounted displays will be used in Lexus' new RX series, just released for sale on August 29.

AGC’s product, comprising DragontrailTM, a specialty glass highly-receptive to chemical strengthening that has been enhanced with chemical reinforcement treatment, optical thin coating, and decorative printing, will be used as the protective surface glass for the RX's navigation display.

As a luxury SUV, the interior of the new Lexus RX series is characterized by its fusion of fine quality and innovation. AGC's cover glass for car-mounted displays will be used for their navigation displays, to be available in 8 or 12.3 inch overseas, and 12.3 inch only in Japan.

This cover glass is an ideal match for the high-quality interiors given the quality feel of the glass itself, and also offers exceptional viewing clarity as well as other features demanded for display touch panel glass, including fingerprint and wear resistance.

In 2013, AGC became the world's first company to establish a production system for car-mounted display cover glass that fully integrates every stage from raw glass to final processing, and launched the product for sale that year. In 2017, the company also began manufacturing and offering curved glass in addition to the already available flat glass product.

In response to the increasing size and shape-complexity of modern car displays, AGC not only ensures that its car-mounted display cover glass provides the level of safety expected from an in-vehicle material through AGC’s unique design and evaluation process, but also employs proprietary coating and surface printing technologies, covered by multiple patents, to play a key role in improving both viewing clarity and usability for displays.

Under its AGC plus management policy, the AGC Group has made a commitment to create products that add various pluses for stakeholders. Pluses for society include 'safety,' 'security,' and 'comfort,' while pluses for customers include 'new value' and 'functionality.' As a pioneer of car-mounted display cover glass, AGC is dedicated pursuing technological innovations that allow it to continue providing products that add new value and exceed customers' expectations.

03.09.2019, AGC Glass Europe

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