We are pleased to invite to our booth at Glassman Lyon, taking place at the CCC Lyon on 17 and 18 September 2019
world’s leading e-commerce portal website for the international glass industry with over 360,000 visitors per month and 4.6 million page impressions.
Plants: plants.glassglobal.com, comprehensive summary about glass makers and their furnace details, market outlook and statistics
Directory: Special International Company Database
Up-to-date, multi language company directory for flat and hollow glass, technical glass, tableware, traders, buyers and associations etc.
Trade / News / Jobs / Technology / Projects / Studies and technical Consultancy
International Exhibition (17-18 Sept)
Showcasing products and services from over 50 market-leading companies, the Glassman Europe exhibition is an unrivalled opportunity to see and learn about the latest innovations in glass manufacturing.
Glassman Trends Conference (Tuesday 17th Sept)
Can the glass industry reduce the reliance on single-use plastic? This full-day programme addresses the latest trends in glassmaking through a collection of panel debates, presentations and discussion. Hosting experts speakers from around the world, a highlight will be a panel debate entitled 'Is glass the answer to increased opposition to plastic?'. Other session topics include the circular economy, customer expectations, sustainability, and some impressive product innovations. View the full programme.
Future Glass Forum (Wednesday 18 Sept)
What is Industry 4.0 and how can it assist the global glass industry in its quest for efficiency? This Forum is a live discussion of the issues surrounding Industry 4.0, ‘smart manufacturing’ and creating a ‘smart factory’. This conference is applicable to both flat glass and hollow glass production as well as business consultants interested in the considerations of business models, IT infrastructure, energy efficiencies and plant safety and security. View the full programme.
29.08.2019, OGIS GmbH / glassglobal Group
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