Vitro Architectural Glass (formerly PPG Glass) has promoted Michael Hammond to manager of technical support for the company’s glass quality and technical services team.
In his new position, Hammond will provide technical support and direction to members of the Vitro Certified Network program, primarily in the areas of product application and process training. He also will take a leadership role in managing Vitro Glass product stewardship initiatives such as environmental product declarations (EPDs) and company participation in the Cradle to Cradle Certified products program.
Hammond was most recently glass products manager at Vitro Glass’s Carlisle, Pa., plant. He began his career in 1996 in the tank department at PPG’s (now Vitro Glass) Wichita Falls, Texas, plant and progressed through a series of tank, enterprise excellence and wareroom positions at that facility and the company’s Meadville, Pa., plant.
“Mike brings a strong combination of float product and process knowledge to his new position,” says Steve Marino, manager of technical services. “Our Vitro Certified Network members will quickly regard him as a valuable addition to the team.”
Hammond holds Bachelor of Science and master’s degrees in ceramic engineering from Pennsylvania State University. He will relocate to the Pittsburgh area and be based out of the Vitro Glass Technology Center in Harmar Township, Pa.
09.08.2019, Vitro Architectural Glass
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