Iris Inspection Machines has celebrated 15 years of partnership with Russian container glassmaker Glass Factory January 9.
[rimg01]The pair first met at the Glassman Europe exhibition in Prague in 2005, where Glass Factory January 9 acquired its first Evolution 12 inspection machine from Iris. A strong relationship has developed between the two companies in the subsequent 14 years. Camera-based cold end inspection machines were installed at the Vyshniy Volochek glassworks, located in the Tver region between Moscow and St Petersburg.
This includes both Evolution 12 and Evolution 5 systems for sidewall/sidewall stress and base/finish/base stress inspection respectively. The decision was recently taken to modernise the equipment. The hardware and software for all machines was upgraded and converted to the latest Evolution NEO technology, making it capable of operating like new smart inspection equipment.
The Evolution NEO’s ability to discriminate intelligently between saleable and non-saleable containers has been widely appreciated by customers, together with its simplified adjustment procedures and reproducibility features. Glassmakers also benefit from the equipment’s Industry 4.0 readiness, with the availability of intelligent data for process improvements.
Glass Factory January 9 was established in 1892 and has considerable experience in the design, development and manufacture of bottles and jars for the alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage and food sectors. The flint ware specialist operates manufacturing technologies that have been sourced from some of Europe’s leading suppliers.
The product range covers capacities from 0.098 to 1.75 litres.
08.08.2019, Iris Inspection Machines
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