O-I, Steklarna Hrastnik and former Coca-Cola and SAB Miller executives are among the speakers at the Glassman Europe conference.
The two day conference in Lyon, France includes speakers from glassmakers, associations, an analyst as well as from leading technology suppliers. It takes place on September 17 and 18 in the Cite de Congres, Lyon. Its keynote speakers are Susan Hansen fro Rabobank and Emma Bowers and Richard van Breda, former Coca-Cola and SAB executives.
The conference has two themes: Sustainability in Glassmaking and the Future Glass Form. The first day is dedicated to sustainability and will focus on ways in which the glass industry needs to reduce its emissions in the production process.
Speakers include BV Glas, AB InBev, FEVE and Glass Service.
Day two will focus on digital glassmaking and speakers include Siemens, Steklarna Hrastnik, SGD Pharma and FAMA.
07.08.2019, Glass International
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