There was a global boom in demand for glass containers in the first half of the year, stated a major technology supplier.
Bucher Emhart Glass said demand for glass containers had been strong around the world and increased further in the first half of 2019. In its half year financial report it said demand currently outstrips manufacturers’ capacities and has led them to invest in expansions and to modernise their production lines.
The Cham, Switzerland-based company said it had benefited from this positive market environment.The technology supplier’s intake grew markedly in the first half of the year, with glass forming and inspection machines both in demand. It said sales increased significantly in the first six months of 2019, from an already high level.
Sales increased by 18.9% from CHF 217 million ($220.0 million) to CHF 258 million ($261.6 million) compared to the same period in 2018. Contributing factors were the continued good collaboration with O-I and the sales growth in its Sanjin, China facility. The glass technology supplier said it had optimised its production processes and thus expanded capacities to deal with increased production volumes.
“Nevertheless, the already strong order book continued to grow in the reporting period and is now well above the high level of the prior-year period,” it said in a financial report.
In its outlook it said it expected a further rise in sales as well as a marked year-on-year improvement in the operating profit margin. This should be supported by the recent sale of its glass refractory business.
07.08.2019, Bucher Emhart Glass
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