Verallia has released the newest version of its Virtual Glass packaging creation tool.
The tool enables Verallia customers to obtain realistic renderings of their projects in high quality and in record time. It has introduced the new version of Virtual Glass to help its customers optimise their development time, time to market and costs.
As a result of a significant R&D effort, the digital tool makes it possible to create and visualise glass packaging projects. Virtual Glass quickly generates hyper-realistic renderings of quality in terms of image definition. These renderings include up to six models and can be used for communication purposes (online catalogue, promotional visuals, etc.). Karim Boussabah, Marketing Director of the Verallia Group, said: "Ease, speed, quality. These are the key strengths of Virtual Glass.
“In a few minutes, the tool allows you to test models and their packaging before showcasing them and obtain renderings as good as a high definition photo. “It is a collaborative design work tool. More than a decision-making aid, it is also a marketing aid.”
With this new tool, accessible only from MyVerallia - Verallia's customer portal - it only takes a few clicks to generate a realistic look and feel for a complete package. After choosing a bottle from the catalogue, customers can add the content and/or a cap of their choice, and import their own labels. They can then visualise their product, placing it in a neutral or realistic scene, and can compare it with another project or an existing product.
The users can share their creations with their partners.
Virtual Glass is said to be a valuable tool for Verallia's customers' marketing and product development departments, who can test their ideas in collaboration with other departments and save time. Launched in France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Virtual Glass will soon be available in all countries where Verallia is present.
31.07.2019, Verallia
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