Delegates will be given an insight into the recent developments of the Turkish soda ash industry at a forthcoming conference.
Bill Whittaker of Newport Industries will discuss the recent developments of the Beypazari and Kazan Trona deposits in the Ankara region of Turkey at a Raw Materials conference organised by the Society of Glass Technology (SGT).
Production level of soda ash at these two deposits are to that of Wyoming, USA. Most of it is destined for export, with a substantial amount to the UK.
To handle these UK imports Newport Industries has recently completed construction of a large unloading dock and storage facilities on the River Mersey in Liverpool, UK to handle these imports. The presentation will describe this facility as well as two others, which together will facilitate easier distribution in the UK.
The Raw Materials conference takes place at Murray Edwards College, Cambridge University on Sept 3 and 4.
25.07.2019, Glass International
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