Vitro Architectural Glass has appointed Nathan McKenna as Segment Marketing Manager.
In his new post, Mr McKenna will provide marketing support for Vitro Glass’s residential, commercial and specialty divisions. He also will oversee the company’s marketing plans and support its architectural teams throughout the United States and Canada.
Mr McKenna joined Vitro Glass in 2015 as a National Architectural Manager. He had previously worked at Columbia Commercial Building Products, Dallas, where he served as Glass Division Manager. Patrick J. Kenny, Vice President, Marketing, Vitro Architectural Glass, said: “Nathan brings more than a decade of experience in glass fabrication and architectural sales to his new position.
“He is a proven problem-solver and understands the performance demands architects, specifiers, fabricators and contractors face, as well as the products and services Vitro Glass can provide to help them.” Mr McKenna holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication from James Madison University.
25.07.2019, Vitro Architectural Glass
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