Bucher Emhart Glass acquires Symplex Vision Systems (Symplex) based in Munich, Germany. The company will be integrated into Bucher Emhart Glass while assembly and engineering remain in Munich.
Bucher Emhart Glass will continue to sell and support the existing product portfolio of Symplex consisting of Inline Inspection Systems and Hot End Process Monitoring Sensors besides the well-established Emhart FleXinspect machine portfolio. Both offerings complement each other and address different markets and customer needs.
“With this acquisition we have become even stronger, and our range of products and services is enhanced,” says Martin Jetter, President of Bucher Emhart Glass. “With the purchase of Symplex Vision Systems, we have acquired products and expertise in the field of inspection and sensor technologies for today and for the future supporting our End to End vision. This is a further milestone to support our customers with their tasks and challenges.”
24.07.2019, Bucher Emhart Glass
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