Bulletproof glass usually prevents projectiles of various ammunition sizes from penetrating and splintering by way of polycarbonate systems.
They are applied on the inside of the glass. The disadvantage of conventional bulletproof insulating glass is that it can't be coated with sun and heat protection coatings. With sedak isosecure, we have taken the safety concept one step further. The pane structure requires no polycarbonate system. This is the trump of the sedak insulating glass family:
The certified structure is available for bulletproof insultating glass up to a size of 3.5 x 20 meters. sedak has already received the certificate for the proven firing classes BR6 NS and BR4 NS for sedak isosecure. The certification for the highest firing class BR 7 NS is in planning.
22.07.2019, sedak GmbH
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