End of Waste Foundation and Ripple Glass are partnering to increase glass recycling in Kansas City.
Ripple has implemented End of Waste’s Blockchain Waste Traceability Software (BWTS) to provide immutable data to prove the increased rates. Michelle Goth, General Manager of Ripple Glass, said: “Ripple Glass recycles glass from Kansas City and over 100 communities throughout the Midwest.
“We have increased the glass recycling rate in Kansas City from 3% to 20%, but in recent years, that recycling rate has stagnated. “To increase glass recycling, the costs of recycling will need to be shared between producers, consumers and processors like us.
“The End of Waste Foundation will enable cost sharing between those that produce glass, and the facilities that recycle it. “Our mission at Ripple Glass is to keep glass out of the landfill by making glass recycling work.
“We believe that glass is too good to waste, and look forward to working with the End of Waste Foundation to fix the broken value chain of recycling.” Ionut Georgescu, Founder and Chief Evangelist of End of Waste Foundation added: “We believe in the power of communities and that consumer behaviour will help shift the paradigm in recycling.
“We appreciate Ripple’s innovative approach and the great work they are doing within the communities in which they are active. “It is imperative that these communities continue to actively recycle glass and be the change makers and the example for other parts of the U.S.”
18.07.2019, End of Waste Foundation team up with Ripple Glass to increase glass recycling
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