Glass Technology Services (GTS) has developed a glass-specific periodic table of elements.
The periodic table was created to celebrate its 150th anniversary. It highlights the elements commonly used in glass manufacturing, while a graphical legend indicates the role that these elements take in the glass manufacturing process. These include elements used as network formers, flux agents, optical modifiers, refining agents, stabilisers, colourants and those found within refractory materials commonly used in glass making.
Gareth Jones, Operations Director said: “To celebrate our new branding, we wanted to create something unique, memorable and useful for our customers throughout the glass industry. “These new glass makers’ periodic tables are the first of their kind and we hope clients will find them useful for years to come.
“The feedback we’ve had so far has been brilliant and we hope that those who have received the resource display them proudly onsite at their facilities.” The poster is the first in a series of new tools and resources being made available by GTS. Further resources will focus upon glass research and development, pharmaceutical primary packaging, common types of glass failure and correct terminology for container glassware.
18.07.2019, Glass Technology Services
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