StekloSouz of Russia invites you to take part in the International Industry Competition

The purpose of the international competition "Leader of the glass industry in 2019" is to draw the attention of consumers to persons and companies working in the glass industry.

Achieving success in this complex area of entrepreneurship is inextricably linked with the development of management science. For a comprehensive evaluation of the materials of the competition, scientific data will be used in the analysis of the most important management decisions and the application of technologies by the participants of the competition.
     Promotion in the professional community of progressive business technologies, strengthening quality standards is one of the ways to achieve the goals of professional promotion of glass products to various consumers.
   Each glass industry can participate in International Competition "Leader of the glass industry in 2019" . It is enough to fill in the application offered to you (as an attachment) and send to the organizers of the competition by e-mail: 
     The main principle is that industry professionals are involved in evaluating the work of participants in the competition and this is a guarantee that the assessment is objective!
     Summing up the competition will be held November 21, 2019 in the framework of the Forum "Glass and Modern Technologies XXI".

Additional information is available on the official industry portal:

17.07.2019, StekloSouz

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