Heraeus has reorganized and focused its quartz glass and fused silica business to better meet the growing needs of the rapidly changing telecommunications, semiconductor and photonics industry.
To keep up with these developments in the future, Heraeus Quarzglas divides its business into two independent global businesses. This change will enable bespoke customer solutions, consolidated areas of excellence, and increased quality of products and processes.
As part of the separation, both units receive new names. The semiconductor and photonics businesses of Heraeus Quarzglas operate under the name Heraeus Conamic. The telecom fiber business runs under the name Heraeus Comvance.
Heinz Fabian, Global Head of Heraeus Conamic explains: “In addition to its existing quartz glass business, Heraeus Conamic focuses on high-end materials such as ceramics and composites. With this step, we are expanding our product portfolio and shaping our business.”
“Heraeus Comvance is now focusing even stronger on the dynamic changes in the telecommunication industry”, explains Dr. Jan Vydra, Global Head of Heraeus Comvance. "By developing products for next generation optical fibers, we will make a decisive contribution to future forms of communication."
04.07.2019, Heraeus Group
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