Modern lamination techniques and glass formats of up to 20 metres create an almost seamless effect for large-scale all-glass façades and roofs. Previously, this effect could only be achieved using laminated safety glass, but a new sedak innovation now makes this possible with insulating glass, too.
sedak isopure makes the usual butt joints seem to disappear. Instead of the conventional joint of up to four centimetres of black plastic spacer and silicone, glass spacers are used on the two visible sides.
A conventional edge compound for insulating glass is used in the horizontal joints that are not visible after assembly in warehouse construction, and keeps the space between the panes dry. The result is an almost uninterrupted overall effect with maximum transparency, all while retaining the technical properties of insulating glass.
In addition to high quality standards in terms of workmanship and appearance, the glass spacer also meets the required Ug-values. sedak isopure is filled with argon gas and can be combined with several coatings.
04.07.2019, sedak GmbH
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