Schott invests in its glass tubing manufacturing plant in India

German technology group Schott has invested an additional double-digit million-Euro figure into a new glass tank at its tubing manufacturing plant in Jambusar, India. 

The expansion follows recent investments at the site, which included the construction of an additional tank facility last year. Production of pharmaceutical Fiolax tubing from the new tank is scheduled to begin in the second half of 2020. The capacity expansion is part of the company’s global growth strategy of its pharma tubing and packaging business segments. 

Dr. Patrick Markschlaeger, Executive Vice President at Schott, Business Unit Tubing, said: “The pharmaceutical market is booming worldwide with a very high demand for premium pharmaceutical packaging and tubing.  “In order to supply the rapidly growing domestic and Asian market, we are investing once again a multimillion-euro figure in our Jambusar site to increase our manufacturing capacity in India.”  

Fiolax borosilicate glass tubing is said to feature a high hydrolytic resistance.  Sundeep Prabhu, Vice President Sales & Marketing Jambusar at Schott Glass Pvt. India added: “Since its development in 1911, Fiolax has been established as the gold-standard material for pharmaceutical containers and its behaviour with drugs is well researched and proven. In India, it is primarily used to manufacture glass vials and ampoules.” 

In line with the company’s aim to manufacture zero defect tubing, the tank will feature the big data approach perfeXion. The process, which was rolled-out globally by Schott in 2017, reportedly ensures 100% quality control of each tube on the line by using cameras, laser and IR inspection systems. “In Jambusar, we are combining Indian and European technologies and local skills. With the additional tank, we are also adding new workplaces,” explained Georg Sparschuh, Managing Director at Schott Glass India Pvt. India. Along with the tank facility, the investment includes an extension of the batch house, warehouses and a new chimney. 

04.07.2019, Schott AG

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