While many have already taken advantage of the early bird registration, you can still do it for one more month! Taking place on 27-28 November 2019 at Radisson Blu Scandinavia in Düsseldorf, this eighth edition of GlassPrint will offer attendees invaluable information on the latest trends and developments. Join now to learn and network in the international community of OEMs, suppliers, glass manufacturers, brand owners and all those involved in the decoration of all types of glass.
In addition to keynote presentations from Europe’s major flat and hollow glass associations, highlights of the programme include:
- Adhesion of inkjet inks on glass by ChemStream
- Will it be screen or digital printing on glass bottles? by Curvink
- Sol-gel inkjet printing for transparent conductors on glass by COMATEC-LANS
- Making a lasting impression: Ink adhesion to glass by ESMA Expert Team
- Digital printing on hollow glass by Fermac
- Adding value for hollow glass decoration by Ferro
- Inkjet coating and decoration of flat, container and industrial glass by Global Inkjet Systems
- Simplifying glass printing with screen and CtS technology by Grünig/SignTronic
- Direct-to-cylinder: Digital printing on glassware by InkCups
- High performance CTP system for digital preparation of silk screen forms and pad printing plates by Lüscher
- Labels are out! Ink challenges and opportunities in direct to container glass inkjet printing by Marabu
- Screen print 2.0 from plastic dial to digital glass display by Marabu
- Developing dedicated mesh for screenprinting on glass by Sefar
- Automation and control for screen printing on small size flat glass by SPS Technoscreen
- Surface pre-treatment to enhance adhesion and coverage of organic inks to hollow glass by Tecno5, an affiliate of Cerve
- Industrial solution for digital printing of windshields and sidelights by Thieme
Delegates registering before 31 July 2019 qualify for the discounted early-bird registration fee of only €450, including full access to the conference programme and tabletop exhibition, as well as lunches and networking dinner. On 1 August 2019, delegate registration rises to the normal price of €595.
02.07.2019, ESMA
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