Betta, a special birthday with SACMI ALS

The year 1998 saw the installation of the first model, still going strong today. Over the coming weeks, a new ALS will be making its way to Johannesburg. The company has now purchased a total of 8 such machines, underscoring the special rapport between the South African sanitaryware giant and SACMI pressure casting technology.

SACMI-supplied technology and reliability have received special praise from Betta Sanitaryware, South Africa's leading manufacturer of sanitaryware articles.

On last 15th November, the company celebrated twenty years of production by the first SACMI ALS casting machine, installed at the Johannesburg plant in 1998. Still going strong, this SACMI pressure casting machine has, over two decades, produced more than 2.5 million pieces (washbasins and tanks), demonstrating the widely acknowledged pluses of this solution in terms of flexibility, shorter cycle times and high process repeatability.

Moreover, this special 'birthday' comes just as a new ALS machine is on its way to South Africa, where it will be assembled alongside its 'older sisters'. Considered advantageous and reliable, the ALS was an instant hit at Betta – whose staff affectionately refer to it as ‘she’, almost as if it were a colleague – and further purchases followed regularly over the years. Since 1998, a total of 8 SACMI ALS units have been supplied to the company.

More generally, this latest order, together with the 20th anniversary, is part of a wider picture in which Betta relies on SACMI pressure casting for all its ceramic sanitaryware manufacturing needs, demonstrating just how outstanding this technology is when it comes to managing high quality production according to a logic of efficiency, cost reduction and ever-greater automation.

01.07.2019, SACMI

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