Glass Performance Days is approaching faster and faster. Now we have reached over 700 participants for the event!
It is less than two weeks until the event, this is the final call for registration! The registration will be closed on June 23rd. So, if you haven’t registered yet, don’t worry, there is still time to join the happy crowd of GPD people! Do you know who has registered already? Here is the current participant list.
Now it would the perfect time to get to know the GPD program a bit better. For example, you can take a look at the expo map or check out the finalized event program.
All this information is also shown in the conference app, Brella, and besides, you can arrange one-on-one meetings with other conference participants! You can register from here and access the event in Brella by using a code GPD2019
14.06.2019, GPD Finnland
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