The prestigious annual Glass Focus event will take place on Thursday November 21, 2019 in Sheffield, UK.
The event, organised by British Glass, will include a full daytime programme of speakers, networking and discussions, followed by the evening gala awards dinner – all hosted at the Mercure St Paul’s Hotel, in the heart of the city.
Everyone with a stake in glass is invited. Each year it’s an opportunity to celebrate and network with decision makers including:
Confirmed speakers include at the daytime conference include:
Andy Williams – Manufacturing Lead at the CBI covering issues and changes in UK manufacturing, and Professor Alicia Durán – President of the International Commission on Glass speaking about Women in the glass industry.
Full details of the entry process for the awards ceremony will be announced soon.
Tickets include both conference attendance and a place at the black-tie awards dinner. They are priced at £195 for British Glass members and £249 for non-members.
14.06.2019, British Glass
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