The widespread adoption of global serialization and traceability mandates to ensure product integrity and protect patient safety is driving unprecedented changes in the pharmaceutical industry. The evolution and investment associated with product serialization have been significant.
The critical challenge for the industry is, how to deliver a Return on Investment through operational benefits for their organization, considering these additional costs for regulatory compliance.
Stevanato Group understands this need and has created a solution for the traceability of primary containers, which can add significant value for pharma companies, enabling them to deliver a measurable return on their existing investments.
In the same way that secondary packaging has a unique identity, Stevanato Group has developed a process that replicates this process for any primary glass container for parenteral medicines. All glass syringes, cartridges, and vials will be printed with a unique machine-readable code; which is as individual as a person’s fingerprint. This unique identity delivers an extensive range of internal and external benefits.
Following extensive research with Stevanato Group customers, the following key business case metrics have been defined:
To simplify implementation and validation, the solution has been designed and tested to be:
To encourage industry adoption, Stevanato Group is actively engaged with a consortium of large pharma organizations and external third parties, to facilitate the creation of a standard that can be applied and utilized to ensure commonality across different vendors.
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