British Glass is delighted to announce the date and location for the Glass Focus Awards 2019.
Taking place on 21 November, the annual conference and awards will be held at the Mercure Hotel in the heart of Sheffield City Centre.
The return to Sheffield marks the second year for the event in the Steel City following last year’s successful event at the city’s Millennium Gallery. Representatives from all companies across the supply chain are invited, from glass manufacturers, machinery and material suppliers and policy makers to recyclers, brands, buyers and researchers.
Tickets for Glass Focus 2019 will be on sale 1 June 2019. Last year’s event reached full capacity, to ensure delegates don’t miss out an Early Bird discount of 15% is available for tickets purchased before 26 September 2019. Full details of the event and how to enter the awards ceremony will be published in the coming weeks, sign up to the Glass Focus mailing list to be the first to hear any news. In the meantime, sponsorship opportunities are available to purchase for the Glass Focus awards.
29.05.2019, British Glass
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