The Series G DLE (Double Lite Edition) has been engineered with the aim to have the maximum flexibility in a single printing line. On one printing machine is possible to print two small glasses (sidelites or vents) or one single big glass (Backlite, Windshield or Sunroof). Its outstanding centring system is composed by 18 axes that allow to perfectly centre even extremely shaped glasses. The possibility to process on the same line two different type of glasses (i.e. Sidelites & Backlites) allows a great saving in terms of industrial space and cost optimization with a faster ROI. The DLE is available in different sizes, from vents size up to windshields.
The Automatic Centering System for Extremely Asymmetric Double Glasses
Its outstanding centring system is composed 18 axes controlled by brushless motors that allow to perfectly centre even extremely shaped glasses.
Automatic Centering System
28.05.2019, Cugher Glass
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