AGC Clearsight anti-reflective glass was a key component in the façade glazing of Twickenham Stadium's East Stand development which opened in December 2018.
The East Stand extension, designed by KSS on behalf of the Rugby Football Union, provides over 11,600sqm of hospitality and debenture holders across six levels. Anti-reflective glazing was an important requirement for the façade owing to a planning condition imposed by the local authority. Prater Ltd, the UK's leading complete building envelope specialist, installed over 900m2 of Clearsight glazing in combination with energy efficient high performance glass.
AGC's Clearsight glazing has a special coating which can be applied to one or both surfaces of the glass, reducing light reflection on the glass surface to less than 1%, just 0.8% and helping to minimise glare. Clearsight can be specified as toughened safety glass or laminated safety glass for enhance safety and security depending on the needs of the project installation.
28.05.2019, AGC Glass
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