Dr. Bernd Metzner (48) takes up the position of Chief Financial Officer of Gerresheimer AG on May 15, 2019. Dr. Metzner had been Chief Financial Officer of SDAX-listed Ströer SE & Co. KGaA since 2014.
“I very much welcome the financial expertise and years of industry experience that Dr. Bernd Metzner brings to the Management Board. Together with him and Dr. Lukas Burkhardt, we make a strong Management Board team that will drive Gerresheimer’s sustainable growth forward,” says Dietmar Siemssen, CEO of Gerresheimer AG.
After studying business administration in Siegen, Germany, completing his doctorate and starting his career at a law firm, Dr. Metzner held various management positions in finance at the Bayer Group between 2002 and 2011. Among other roles, he was responsible for coordinating the carveout and initial public offering of Lanxess, and held the position of CFO at Bayer Italy as well as that of global CFO in Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division. Before joining Ströer, he served as CFO of the global, familyowned Döhler Group from mid-2011 to mid-2014.
The Management Board of Gerresheimer AG (as of May 15, 2019):
15.05.2019, Gerresheimer AG
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