At the International Glass Performance Days 2019 in Tampere, Finland (26th to 28th June) the specialist delegates will discuss future trends and optimization possibilities for glass as a building material.
At the associated exhibition sedak (Gersthofen) will display “sedak clear-edge” and “sedak isopure”, two new products that open up new optical and constructional design possibilities for glass elements and façades. “We are looking forward to presenting our innovations to international industry representatives at the GPDs and again this year we will provide some impulses of our own as well as assimilating new ideas ourselves”, says Sales Manager Ulrich Theisen.
With “sedak clear-edge” the company from Gersthofen, Germany presents an almost invisible edge protection made from glass. The sophisticated edging is laminated onto the open edge of the glass and functions as protection against impacts and the influences of the weather. This means that two layer laminates can be utilized where previously the regulations required laminates with at least three layer to be used in structures protecting against falling – for example parapets and handrails. For a laminate thickness of less than two centimeters “sedak clear-edge” is available in lengths of up to five meters, for thicknesses of up to four centimeters in lengths of eight meters and for thicker laminates up to 20 metres is possible.
sedak isopure: maximum transparency and modern energy standards
A revolution for insulating glass is “sedak isopure”, with which transparent glass façades can be realized without any distracting black joints.
The glass spacers for insulating glass combine almost invisible joints between the glass elements with modern demands in terms of the thermal transmittance (U-value). Instead of the typical black plastic spacer, “sedak isopure” is used between the two sides of the insulating glass – making it hardly possible to see the joint. This insulating glazing enables the construction of maximally transparent (large) glass façades with modern energy and thermal insulation standards.
08.05.2019, sedak GmbH
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