Enertime and its thai partner ENSYS have received an order for the supply of an ORC-based power generation system to recover heat from Bangkok Glass's new flat glass plant in Kabin Buri, Province of Prachinburi in Thailand.
The project of more than 4 M € is to be realized in 15 months for a commissioning in May 2020. ENERTIME and ENSYS will then exploit the ORC on behalf of the Customer within the framework of a contract of exploitation and maintenance.
Enertime will perform the overall system design and provide the ORC's turbine and key components to recover the energy dissipated in the glass furnace fumes. ENSYS will carry out the heat recovery system and will participate in the construction of the ORC on the site. The 1.8 MW ORC associated with a 2 MW solar farm will be implemented by a project company funded by BGES, a subsidiary of BG Energy Solution and ENSYS that will sell the electricity produced by the ORC to Bangkok Glass below grid cost.
06.05.2019, Enertime
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